Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Just some useless words...

Just a quickie to say is just fantastic at the minute, I'm just beaming with a lust for life. Everyday is a joy.

I've spent the last few days getting to know the new kids at my school, I already love everyone of them to death. I have a bunch of favorites already, Mai-chan, Akari-chan, Leon-kun. Legends they are!! The other two years come back to school next week, it'll be good to have them back!

B-1 was awesome as ever last night. Will write about that tomorrow and also post the lesson and Starfire DVD vol 17 and 18 while I'm at it.

Hanami needs a massive gonzo write up as well before hanami part two starts on Saturday...

Anyway, I'm off to catch some sun in Yoyogi Park and grab a few sneaky beers in the process.

Laters yo <3


  1. Hey Max! Good it's fine with the new kids. I have a lot of nephews and know they could be very cutie ( and make u crazy sometimes ) wwww.

    cya ;***


  2. ahhhh, one of my fondest memries of Japan was sitting in the park next to Sakura hotel in Hatagaya drinking beer and playing my DS.

    I mean I freely drink in parks here (lol), but nothing beats being able to do it legally, in the open, and playing the gaijin card when people look at you funny ♥
